New features by version in Adagio JobCost

Adagio JobCost 9.3A 2024-04-29 (Apr. 29, 24)

    Batch Status Inquiry can now print Batch Listings and Posting Journals.


    • Transactions now support an Accounting Date separate from the Document Date.


    • Adagio JobCost now integrates with Adagio DocStore.


    • A new grid search process is available to use for most grids.


    • AdagioV3PDF is installed for printing documents and reports to PDF.


    • Information button in Job Inquiry for Outstanding Purchase Orders included in the Outstanding PO Amount.


    • Cost and Bill/Payment batch listings, posting journals, and audit lists are now multi-user.


    • JobCost will respect settings for Receivables 9.3B when Customers are edited from within JobCost.


    • Timecards can be multi selected for Printing, Posting and Deletion.


    • Company Profile option 'Verify J-P-C for Simple Cost Tracking' is available.


    • New eP Options Report Code: %JOB for Job Notes report, Analysis Reports, Worksheet Reports, and Retainage Aging Reports.


    • Standard 93A feature allows phone numbers to display as formatted on grids.


    • User preferences added to control behavior of double clicking in a Dialog field.


    • \\\"Backup\\\" button added to the Adagio Toolbar.


    • Refresh Sample Data function added to the Help menu.


    • SetSessionDate command has a new noun for: Yesterday.


    • 'Outlook' option added in Email Setup.


    • Adagio Login dialog allows browsing to a UNC.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.2A | 2023-04-18 (Apr. 18, 23)

    • Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.