New features by version in Adagio MultiCurrency

Adagio MultiCurrency 9.2B 2023-04-05 (Apr. 5, 23)

    • Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.2A | 2014-11-21 (Nov. 21, 14)

    ·    Compatible with version 9.2A Adagio modules.

    ·    Compatible with Adagio xConsole.

    ·    Uses the current version of the Crystal Reports runtime engine to view and print reports.

    ·    Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver.

    ·    Added User Preferences.

    ·    Adagio module buttons on the toolbar. Buttons are selectable and movable.

    ·    Added smart finder. Grids and finders now show the lookup values.