Adagio Lanpak 9.3B 2021-01-09 (Jan. 9, 21)
· Compatible with and required by future releases of Adagio modules at version 9.3B.
· The version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) and ExcelDirect installed include fixes and enhancements allowing for improvements in Adagio modules made since Lanpak 9.3A. These include the following:
· Supports new Grid Search functionality;
· Supports phone indexing;
· Provides more logging to facilitate troubleshooting;
· Includes networking enhancements for multi-user environments;
· Corrected problem where GridView with IMS SBF file did not open with x64 version of GridView.
And these changes were made in earlier versions:
Version 9.3A | 2017-05-25 (May. 25, 17)
· Compatible with and required by future releases of Adagio modules at version 9.3A.
· The version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) and ExcelDirect installed include fixes and enhancements allowing for improvements in Adagio modules made since Lanpak 9.2B.
Version 9.2B | 2016-03-09 (Mar. 9, 16)
Enhancements and revisions in Adagio Lanpak 9.2B (2016.03.09)
- - Required by future 9.2B modules and all upgrade versions released in March 2016 or later, starting with PurchaseOrders 9.2B.
- - The versions of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) and ExcelDirect installed include fixes and enhancements made since Lanpak 9.2A.
Version 9.2A | 2014-07-24 (Jul. 24, 14)
Enhancements and revisions in Adagio Lanpak 9.2A (2014.07.24)
Compatible with and required by future releases of Adagio modules at version 9.2A.
The version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) and ExcelDirect installed include fixes and enhancements allowing for improvements in Adagio modules made since Lanpak 9.0E.