New features by version in Adagio Console

Adagio Console 9.3A 2019-10-30 (Oct. 30, 19)

    ·    New automation command nouns in Adagio modules allow you to attach report set PDF files from multiple modules to a single email.

    ·    Added Time Format option to the View Application Log function. It can be set to Local or UTC.

    ·    You can now create a Console Batch file for a different user than the sign-on user.

    ·    If a user has access to the Maintain Automation Log feature, they also have the ability to view all of the automation logs for any user.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.2A | 2015-10-13 (Oct. 13, 15)

    ·    View user activity logs from Adagio 9.2A modules with View Application Log function, selecting by transactions by date,
         modules and Adagio users.

    ·    Adagio Console now logs user activity.

    ·    Added the Application Name to Active User grid for uncommon Application Prefixes, such as QI (Adagio Invoices) and IR

    ·    Support added for FX-based automation commands in Console batches.

    ·    Support added for Adagio ePrint to Copy Definitions, Clone User and Delete user.