Adagio GridView-RW 9.3B 2018-11-08 (Nov. 8, 18)
· Compatible with GridView 9.3B.
· Copy range to a single cell repeats the value in target range.
· Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+U to invoke the ‘Update Database & Refresh’.
· GridView-RW is available as a “Not For Resale” version for use by Adagio Reseller Partners only.
And these changes were made in earlier versions:
Version 9.3A | 2017-12-21 (Dec. 21, 17)
· Compatible with GridView 9.3A.
· Compatible with Adagio DocStore.
· Requires “/DELETE” on command line to help prevent accidental deletion of records.
Version 9.2B | 2016-05-05 (May. 5, 16)
· GridView-RW enables AdagioDirect, a new feature that allows the mass updating of Adagio Tables from external sources, such as Excel, CSV Text, Access or any ODBC compliant data source.
· AdagioDirect allows you to set up a relationship map between the external data source and the Adagio table.
· GridView-RW will now update records from multiple files in a single View loaded using the "*-All" file wildcard mask.
Version 9.2A | 2014-08-30 (Aug. 30, 14)
Enhancements and revisions in Adagio GridView-RW 9.2A (2014.08.30)
Replace a table in place in a database using ODBC Export function.
Update encrypted fields such as credit card information.
Read records marked as deleted in a file. This can assist in recovering deleted data.
Delete Selected Rows in a View.
Reports an error when the Update to a file fails.
The cursor is now positioned on the first row of an inserted row set after the insert process is complete.
Compatible with Adagio Console and respects requests to shut down.
Includes 64-bit version.