New features by version in Adagio OrderEntry

Adagio OrderEntry 9.3A 2018-04-10 (Apr. 10, 18)

    ·    Compatible with Adagio DocStore.

    ·    Formatted Bill-To and Ship-To Addresses.

    ·    Unlimited Miscellaneous Charges and Ship Via codes.

    ·    Increased length of many fields, including Document Number (8 to 12).

    ·    Item Information inquiry on the Edit Detail screen shows: Price Levels for base or Alternate Price List, Stock Quantity for the selected or for all Locations, Price History of invoices for various periods for the selected or all Customers, Alternate items show the Qty on hand / Sales order / PO / RMA.

    ·    Multi-select documents in grids for printing, deleting documents, completing orders and auto-invoicing orders.

    ·    Sort Document grids by date.

    ·    Add Notes to documents.

    ·    Optional Fields 0n item details on documents.

    ·    Order Log tab in document entry provides time line information from document inception, including edit history of an order showing user, date and time

    ·    Optionally show an item’s Price Level grid and select from it for the Unit price field.

    ·    Added ‘Complete’ button for Orders. Orders having items on backorder will reduce an unshipped item's Quantity on Sales Order.

    ·    Change the customer number on posted orders as long as nothing has been shipped/ invoiced.

    ·    Color on detail grids using Styles.

    ·    ‘Update Pricing’ button updates prices on existing orders.

    ·    Locate current documents quickly by Reference.

    ·    Prompt to update customer and address fields in documents if there have been changes in the Customer or Ship-To.

    ·    Print document(s) to multiple Send Methods (Printer, PDF, Email) simultaneously.

    ·    Select and sort documents to print by ranges of Order/Invoice Number, Salesperson, Customer Report Group, Order Location, Territory and Customer Number.

    ·    Select documents to print by floating date ranges, including: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Last/This/Next Week/Month, Last/Next N Days.

    ·    Added document specification codes for tax included pricing.

    ·    Control the information Day End sends to fields in Adagio Receivables batches.

    ·    Print the Order Action report to Excel using ExcelDirect.

    ·    Auto-invoice Orders function allows multiple orders to be invoiced in a single operation.

    ·    Added an Import Tax Tables function to add or update existing tax tables.

    ·    Import a list of order numbers to be auto-invoiced.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.3B | 2024-02-19 (Feb. 19, 24)

     ·          Salespersons with leading zeros were having the zero trimmed, in some cases. This was a problem in Auto-Invoice Orders, Print Forms and Printing some Transaction reports.

    ·          In Order Entry, Quantity Shipped was not defaulting properly from Quantity Ordered when Company Profile, Processing options, Detail Option 'Quantity Shipped on Orders' was not selected.

    ·          Using Barcodes to add a new item to an Order was incrementing the quantity ordered for the preceding item, in some cases.

    ·          When a barcode item was added to an Order and the next item inserted used a different unit of measure, an incorrect message was displayed, in some cases.

    ·          The Tax Summary (Jurisdiction Totals Over All Groups) report was not printing in Summary.

    ·          Adagio OrderEntry now respects the Group Security settings for Item Notes within Adagio Inventory.  If an OrderEntry user does not have access to edit Items, but the same Inventory user does have access to Edit Item Notes, the OrderEntry user will also be able to edit Item Notes while viewing Item records.

    ·          The Company Profile, Processing Options tab, Detail option for ‘Default shipped as ordered’ will now set the default for ‘Set quantity shipped to quantity ordered’ in ‘Copy Order’ and ‘Restore History’.

    ·          The Country list that will be normalized when 'North American Address?' is selected has been expanded to include more countries.

    A new option has been added to the Company Profile, System Options tab to work with ‘North American Address?’: ‘Normalize Country To’. The options are: Full name, 2 character ISO, 3 character ISO and Never. For Import or Edit for Customers or Contacts/Shipto, if the Country is recognized, variations on Country codes are standardized based on this setting.

                                                 Eg. For the Default setting: Full name, CA or CAN become Canada.

    ·       If 'North American Address?' is selected, the states for Mexico will be normalized to the 2 character state.

    ·      If the Company Profile is set to use “North American Address?, Import Orders and Update Orders will validate State/Province. If Country is imported, it will also be validated.

Version 9.3A | 2023-04-04 (Apr. 4, 23)

    ·          Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

Version 9.2A | 2016-07-07 (Jul. 7, 16)
9.2A release notes
 - Whats new in version 9.2A! Video demonstration of 9.2A

    ·    Adagio module toolbar allows one click launch of an Adagio module.

    ·    Reports have been converted to Crystal Reports 2013, improving the export to Excel.

    ·    Grids may be "banded" with a User Selectable color and banding frequency.

    ·    Edit grids display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active.

    ·    Logs user activity within the module. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView.

    ·    Code 39 barcodes can be printed on Picking Slips.

    ·    Supports Adagio RMA 9.2A add-on module.

    ·    Payments can now be entered on credit notes.